Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX has made fun of Bill Gates. The billionaire tweeted this Saturday, April 23, a photo montage of Bill Gates next to the pregnant man emoji, laughing at his overweight. In case anyone wants to lose his erection quickly, we can read on the publication retweeted more than 95 thousand times.
Musk didn't stop there, however, as he fueled the mocking thread with a very mysterious post.
Internet users did not fail to call the billionaire to order, being scandalized by this publication, at first sight, free. Bill Gates invented the computer. Show him some respect and delete this, they read, or Why be so petty? Damn.
We don't know at this time the motivation for such a joke. However, the most likely hypothesis could be the following. Musk has a stormy relationship with the Microsoft co-founder. In a tweet published this Friday, the Tesla CEO accused Bill Gates of shorting his company on the stock market.